[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on Syria and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Syria Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to syria@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
International and Regional Perspectives
Swapping Notes on the Assads Nicolas Nassif on Recep Tayyeb Erdogan and Amin Gemayel’s “hour-long tête-à-tête during which they shared their experiences with Syria`s presidents.”
Swapping Notes on the Assads (II) Syrian opposition groups also met with the former Lebanese president and discussed a “post-Assad Syria and its future relationship with Lebanon in light of their complicated history.”
Turkey’s Men in Syria The Human Relief Foundation (IHH), more famously known for organizing the Gaza Flotilla mission, is now operating in Syria and serving as an important part of Turkey`s soft-power strategy, according to Justin Vela.
Iran Confirms it has Forces in Syria and Will Take Military Action if Pushed
Syrian Narratives
Syria Cannot Move Until the SNC is Reformed Hassan Hassan says “despite its current failure… sidelining the Syrian National Council is a mistake.”
Fragmented Syrian Opposition Competes with SNC in Jordan Tamer al Samadi writes that some politicians, military officers and SNC members are in Amman to “look into the possibility of establishing a political alternative to the SNC.”
Declarations and Posturing while Death Continues Unabated Salam al Kawakibi, exasperated by the international community’s unproductivity: “the United States warns, Turkey threatens, France alerts, China invites, and Russia hints.”
Is solving the Syria crisis Mission Impossible? Chris Doyle idealistically suggests that “only when states abandon narrow self-interest and power games with their rivals, and put Syria and Syrians first, will there be a chance of resolving the crisis.”
Jordanie : l`exil de la télévision syrienne On News of the Revolution’s media counteroffensive and lack of objectivity.
Aleppo: The Turkish-Syrian Battle Nicolas Nassif says "the battle for Aleppo reflects the military, political and social aspects of the struggle.”
Observations on Syria from Hatay’s Vakifli village
A Syrian Quartet Worth Hearing Kaveh L Afrasiabi says "the very idea of the quartet initiated by Morsi … is a concession to the skepticism that Assad is not about to be overthrown by the rebels any time soon, and that the rebels can at best sustain a costly (in human and physical terms) quagmire.”
Turkey to Provide Egypt $2 Billion in Aid Turkey is one of the four countries that now forms the Syrian contact group (also made up of Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt).
Inside Syria
The Battle for Syria “The quagmire of the Syrian Revolution is portrayed in the city of Aleppo,” says Ghaith Abdul Ahad.
An excerpt from "Revolt in Syria: Eye-Witness to the Uprising" Stephen Starr says, “the repercussions of Syrians themselves not soon coming to terms with the issue of responsibility could be disastrous for the long-term future of the country.”
Back to School: Syrian Students Face Roadblocks Anaz Zarzar writes about the complicated return to school journey endured by those displaced inside Syria.
Syria: The Safe-Guarded Secret of Daraya Marah Mashi visits the site of the latest “massacre,” but remains unclear about the course of events.
Arts and Social Media
Nasreddine Bahra: Keeping Laughter Alive in Damascus Khalil Sweileh provides a portrait of the prominent Syrian writer, journalist and historian.
A Call from Syrian Women who Are on Hunger Strike
Syrian Film Producer Orwa Nyrabiya Set Free
Policy and Reports
Jihadist Network in the Syrian Revolution Noman Benotman through London-based Quilliam foundation sensing a possible “increased radicalization among fighters,” discusses the origins, objectives, ideology, structure and leadership of jihadist groups operating in Syria.
Syria’s Secular and Islamist Rebels: Who Are the Saudis and the Qataris Arming? Rania Abouzeid says “the two Gulf powerhouses are no longer on the same page when it comes to determining who among the plethora of mushrooming Syrian rebel groups should be armed.”
Journalist Examines Chaotic Fighting In Syria Ghaith Abdul-Ahad says the international community missed its opportunity of supporting the genuine parts of the uprising in its early stage, and allowed for the subsequent violent developments.
The Uprising in Syria Tariq Ali insists that “even at this late stage a negotiated solution is the best possible way to get rid of Assad and his henchmen.”
Syria - “Build Networks of Popular Resistance around a Democratic Charter” A translated interview with Gilbert Achcar, in which he unpacks themes evoked by many about the Syrian uprising (“Islamicization,” militarization and “sectarianism.”)
Syrian Dispatches: Robert Fisk’s Independence Yassin al Haj Saleh and Rime Allaf say “Fisk’s pieces on Syria have consisted more of commentary than of reporting, with a growing emphasis on the conspiracy scenario … not directly relevant to the Syrian people’s uprising.”
The Situation in Syria The Economist’s infographic tracking, among other things, civilian casualties and population movements
الطاغية إبن الطاغية
تحليل علاقة المعارضة والدور الخليجي في شؤون الثورةالسورية
زمــــــــلــــكا: الحنين إلى مدينة
حين تتفسخ الطغم السياسية: مِثال سوريا
الشرق الأكبر على خط البداية
لحوار المرفوض والصراع المقبول
مدينة شهبا الوجهة الأخيرة للنازحين
سوريا: الأقليات والتطييف والثورة
يقدم قراءة ماركسية عربية للثورة السورية: جلبير الأشقر: الحرب الأهلية لا تعني حربا طائفية ومواقف اليسار خطب في الصحراء